Sunday 28 February 2016

Kitten overdose

Minimeep spent the rest of the day running around exploring and suddenly falling asleep. Little Bun was exhausted. 

Saturday 27 February 2016

Waiting for dinner

Little Bun kept Minimeep happy while Meep went off to the kitchen to cook everyone a lovely dinner. 

Friday 26 February 2016

Minimeep 2

Squirrel tried offering his second best acorn to Minimeep, but was secretly rather pleased when she didn't want it. Minimeep meanwhile, climbed onto Meep's lap and started purring loudly. Little Bun thought she had never seen Meep looking so happy !

Thursday 25 February 2016

Gently does it

Meep was getting very upset. Minimeep kept running away from her.  Little Bun suggested sitting down and waiting to see if Minimeep would come to them. 

Wednesday 24 February 2016

The welcoming committee

While Stripey admired Ruby's handbag, (from the Spotty Home and Garden Spring Special edition) Meep only had eyes for Minimeep. 

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Spotty is resting

While Meep was frantically getting things organised for the arrival on Minimeep, Spotty was having a relaxing time reading his favourite magazine. 

Monday 22 February 2016

An important phone call

At Meep's insistence, Spotty called Sol and Ruby to see when they could bring over Minimeep. Ruby said they'd come on Wednesday. Meep was extremely excited !

Sunday 21 February 2016

Obie is working hard

Obie had been busy in the garden after rescuing Spit. He'd made a house for the hares next door to the hedgehog palace. Little Bun, Meep and the Squirrel waved them goodbye as the O'Hares moved into their new home. Obie stuffed a few more chips in, he still had to make a house for the field mice, with attached workshop. 

Saturday 20 February 2016

The great escape

Spit called Obie, he picked her up and ran out through the conservatory and back into their natural habitat, the shed. The field mice were very disappointed. 

Friday 19 February 2016

Ze Undersea world of Le Capitaine Alphonse Mamousteau

Something I drew maybe 40 years ago or see the image bigger, just click on it and it will expand it !

Spider Jogging machine

The field mice were busy making something. They gave Spit a lettuce leaf while she looked on, anxiously. 

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Weigh in

Spit was horrified when the field mice insisted on weighing her. Even standing on only six legs didn't make any difference at all. 

Tuesday 16 February 2016

The big thaw

Oh no ! Everything was melting. No more sledging, no more snowballs. Secretly Spotty was a bit relieved. It would be much easier to do the shopping. Meep was inconsolable, until Spotty pointed out that Sol and Ruby would soon be able to bring Minimeep to live with them. 

Monday 15 February 2016

Sunday 14 February 2016


Meep and little Bun strapped some old planks on to their feet and went into the back garden to practise. Little Bun spent most of the time lying on the snow while Meep found that if she stared at the horizon and didn't move at all, she could stay upright. 

Saturday 13 February 2016


Meep was happily daydreaming about skiing holidays when little Bun pointed out they had quite a lot of snow right here and a hill or two. 

Thursday 11 February 2016

Getting dressed !

Little Bun thought it was very important that the new arrivals be decently dressed. Even Spit didn't escape. 

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Yummy pancakes !

When they got home Meep had used everything that was left in the house to cook up piles of pancakes. They smelled yummy!

Tuesday 9 February 2016


The sledge was well loaded up with supplies and off they went. On the way the picked up a family of distressed field mice whose house had disappeared. Spotty would easily find a bit of room for them. 

Monday 8 February 2016

Snowball fight !

Little Bun threw a snowball back at Squirrel, Obie sent one flying back to Spotty and soon there was a full on snowball fight. Spotty couldn't help but start to enjoy himself. It wasn't really possible to tell if Little Bun was having fun, but let's assume she was !

Sunday 7 February 2016


That Squirrel was really pushing his luck. Spotty was just pulling little Bun from the snow when Splaattt! A big sloppy snowball hit him on the nose. 

Saturday 6 February 2016

A very naughty squirrel

Spotty was loading the supplies on to the sledge but where was little Bun ? (No need to worry, much anyway, as Squirrel made air holes in his snow bunny)

Friday 5 February 2016

Off to Foxlea

They were getting a bit low on supplies at Spotty's. So they fed Obie up with chips and with Squirrel shouting 'mush' loudly they almost flew to the village of Foxlea. 

Thursday 4 February 2016

A lovely warm fire

They all sat around the fire. It was nice and cosy, with the kettle bubbling away, the crackling of the wood and the crunching and munching. Spit the spider looked a bit embarrassed as 12 pairs of eyes turned to look at her while she finished off the last few crumbs of her cracker. 

Tuesday 2 February 2016

A knock at the door

Hoot was at the door. He was frozen. Thelma O'Hare and her little boy Henry were there too as their house had collapsed under the snow. Of course Spotty took them in. 

Monday 1 February 2016


Spotty had a sudden panic. What about the hedgehogs ? Their place was heated by electricity. So Obie was sent to get them. They were fine if very sleepy. Meanwhile the strange munching crunching noise was still coming from the ceiling.