Sunday 31 January 2016

A candle

Spotty got a candle from the kitchen. The only sounds were the clicking of knitting needles and a crunching munching from near the ceiling. Little bun and Meep clung together, terrified. 

Saturday 30 January 2016

In the dark

There was a power cut. Little Bun was wondering why there were six pairs of eyes in the dark instead of five. She clutched Meep. 

Friday 29 January 2016

Thursday 28 January 2016

Hot chocolate

Stripey made hot chocolate for everyone. Spotty said the snow had stopped for now, and Squirrel was siphoning off some of little Bun's drink, even though he had a mug of his own. All was back to normal !

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Snow shovelling

Obie was soon clearing snow at a rate of knots. Little Bun thought he would be a good employee should she ever set herself up as an expert tunnelling  business. For now though, she thought she might go back inside the house and watch from a safe distance. 

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Obie is a bit rusty

Obie the robot looked a bit rusty so little Bun gave him some oil and stuffed his chip port several times before he started to wake up. Spit the spider filched a chip and a ride back into the house, it was far too cold in the shed. 

Monday 25 January 2016

Along the rabbit Hole

Spotty watched Little Bun with great trepidation. He should have done it but she had been so insistent. Actually she was doing a great job, packing the snow up nice and tight, shoring the tunnel as she went. She knew a thing or two about digging rabbit holes, and she was nearly at the shed door. 

Sunday 24 January 2016

The snow suit

If ever Obie was needed it was now, but he was chipless and in the shed. Little Bun volunteered to go. Dotted lines = actual bunny within the snow suit Stripey had stuffed her into. 

Saturday 23 January 2016

More snow

They woke up the next morning to a strange bright light outside. It had snowed so much that it came half way up the windows and great big globbits of it were still coming down. 

Friday 22 January 2016

Soup and crackers

Stripey dried them off, got them into their pyjamas, wrapped them in warm blankets and sat them on a hot water bottle on the sofa in front of the fire. By the time Spotty brought them a lovely bowl of hot carrot and nut soup with crackers they were feeling a lot better. Meep slept through it all. 

Thursday 21 January 2016

Cold !

Poor little Bun was taking longer to thaw out than squirrel. She was shivering so much the floor was shaking. Spotty and Stripey were quite worried about them. 

Wednesday 20 January 2016


It had got very cold by the time they left the therapy session. The snow was falling hard and very thick. They were freezing when they got home and so late that Spotty was just about to go and find them. 

Tuesday 19 January 2016


Little Bun took Squirrel to his first PTSD ( post traumatised squirrel disorder) group meeting. It was quite good really, especially the tea and biscuits at the end, but Squirrel wouldn't sit in the chair.

Monday 18 January 2016

A nice roast dinner

Eventually after a lot of persuasion, Little Bun managed to get Squirrel down to Sunday Dinner. Stripey had outdone herself and Squirrel forgot all about his troubles as he scarfed down ten slices of nut roast. 

Sunday 17 January 2016

Poor Squirrel

They all gradually woke up to the delicious smells of one of Stripey's famous Sunday roast nut dinners. Little Bun was trying to get Squirrel to come but he was still very upset by the tranquilliser dart episode and he went and hid in his room. Oh dear, Little Bun was getting worried that perhaps he was suffering from post traumatised squirrel disorder. 

Saturday 16 January 2016

A well deserved rest

Stripey came round that afternoon and was a bit surprised to find the entire household fast asleep in the living room. 

Friday 15 January 2016

A nice cup of tea

Spotty made a nice pot of tea and sat them down while he called for a taxi to take them to the station. It was good to see them both looking a lot calmer. 

Thursday 14 January 2016

A Furious Spotty

Meep had never seen Spotty so angry. He grabbed them both by the scruff and told them they were behaving like children, that he would not tolerate shooting in his home and then he threatened to send Brenda Crimwallop to their house to teach them some manners. The squirrel, meanwhile, was a bit concerned about how close the dart had come to hitting him. 

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Meep is scared...

Great Aunt Clothilde stormed into the house, pulled a strange contraption out of her handbag and tried to shoot Uncle Teddy with a tranquilliser dart. Fortunately she missed. They were as potty as each other. 

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Spotty is reaching the end of his tether...

Uncle Teddy was complaining about everything to Spotty when Meep came down to breakfast. The coffee was awful, the croissants were the wrong sort, the table was the wrong height, the kitchen floor was the wrong colour. Poor Spotty didn't know how much more of this he could take. 

Monday 11 January 2016

Fretful Meep

Meep spent the whole night sitting up in bed fretting. What if Great Uncle had been telling the truth about Clothilde ? What if she really was some kind of mad axe fiend ?

Sunday 10 January 2016


Meep found Great Aunt Clothilde's phone number. She was a bit worried before calling but Clothilde was lovely. She was so pleased to find Teddy. He'd run off three days ago because he'd stopped taking his tablets. The police had been told and everything. 

Saturday 9 January 2016

Meep is not amused !

Finally Spotty got Uncle Teddy to go to bed, his bed, and he asked the others to be very quiet. There really wasn't any need as the sound of Uncle Teddy's snoring was shaking the house. Meep decided to call a family conference. 

Friday 8 January 2016

Ranting and Raving

Meep and the little animals were hiding behind the potted plants while Uncle Teddy ranted on and on and on to Spotty about how dreadful his wife Clothilda was being to him. He declared he had left her and was coming to live  here. Meanwhile he was drinking his way through Spotty's entire reserve of emergency brandy. 

Thursday 7 January 2016

Oh no, not great uncle Teddy....

There was a knock at the door. Spotty was amazed to see Great Uncle Edward Featherington-Spot at the door. His heart sank. 

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Bye bye Minimeep

When it was time to go home, Spotty had to practically drag Meep away from Minimeep, but he did say that perhaps Minimeep might come and live with them when she was old enough. 

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Meep is besotted

Mother cat Nerys kept a wary eye on a besotted Meep. Meep's favourite was the tiny white one with one black paw. She decided to call her Minimeep. 

Monday 4 January 2016

Some tiny surprises at Sol and Ruby's

When they got to Sol and Ruby's house Meep went looking for Munch. For once she was rendered completely speechless. Nerys's babies were so adorable. 

Sunday 3 January 2016

Let's go fly a kite...

The rain stopped for a bit so they trooped up to the top of Foxton Beacon and tried out the flying kit they had given the squirrel for Christmas. He loved it and said he could see for miles ! Little Bun and Spotty weren't quite sure it was all that safe. 

Saturday 2 January 2016

A lovely day for a walk

It was a bit of a breezy day when Spotty took them all on a visit to see Sol and Ruby. They went for a brisk walk on the way there. Little bun was frightened she might be blown away. 

Friday 1 January 2016

New year's resolutions

Spotty woke up feeling a bit fragile, the little ones' pen scratchings were almost unbearable. Meep was trying to write 'I will be kind to Bertie' but it kept coming out all blobby and wrong. The squirrel's resolution was to stop dangling over the others in his climbing gear all the time, he eyed his rope year's resolutions are hard.