Saturday 31 October 2015

Morning picnic

While Spotty and Stripey grinned stupidly at each other all the way down the hill, Obie made a whole heap of sandwiches and lots of cups of tea. Even one of the hedgehogs woke up and had a little snack before going back to prickly palace. 

Friday 30 October 2015

On top of the world

The party went on all night. At dawn Spotty and Stripey slipped away to watch the sunrise. Meep watched them. What was Spotty doing ? Oh.....right. Meep thought it was the soppiest thing she'd ever seen. 

Thursday 29 October 2015

Halloween Fox Howling Song

The Owls didn't know quite what to make of the traditional Halloween Fox Howling song, but Meep joined in extremely enthusiastically. 

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Day 100

When Meep called Spotty out into the garden it was full of little ghosts ! Even Hoot had been stuffed into a pillow case. Spotty  wondered why the flowers on the ghosts' costumes reminded him of his best sheets. 

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Day 99

The owlets were very surprised to see Spotty, Stripey and Meep still up after midnight playing Zombie Apocalypse Vampire Snap ! They wanted to join in. 

Monday 26 October 2015

Day 98

By her tenth pumpkin Meep thought she was getting rather good at this pumpkin carving game. There were pumpkin pulp and pumpkin parts all over the kitchen. Spotty didn't notice as he was too busy catching up with Stripey's week back at home with Sol and Ruby. 

Sunday 25 October 2015

Day 97

The little owlets looked so downhearted when Hoot told them off that Spotty told him they had been no trouble at all and were welcome to visit again any time. Meep nearly choked on her bacon sandwich. 

Saturday 24 October 2015

Day 96

There was a loud knocking on the back door. It was their upstairs neighbour Hoot. He was asking if they had seen his five nephews as they were late home this morning and it was way past their bedtime. 

Friday 23 October 2015

Day 95

Stripey went to look in the bedroom. There were five little sleepy owls perched on the bedstead. Spotty and Meep felt a little embarrassed. 

Thursday 22 October 2015

Day 94

Stripey found Spotty and Meep in a dreadful state when she came round for coffee. Cheep tried to tell her what had happened but she didn't speak Bird. Eventually after a reviving cake or two they told her about their dreadful night.  Stripey tried her best not to laugh. 

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Day 93

Meep had already snuck in to Spotty's room when there was a huge bang and clatter and a strange whooshing noise. When they looked there were five pairs of eyes looking down on them. The rest of the night was spent hiding in a cupboard. 

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Day 92

It was a wild and windy night. There was a power cut just before the end of the film and they only had one candle. Poor Spotty and Meep were terrified as they went to bed. 

Monday 19 October 2015

Day 91

Given that the house was already eerily quiet now the hedgehogs had gone to hibernate, it probably wasn't a good idea for Spotty and Meep to watch a scary movie before going to bed. 

Sunday 18 October 2015

Day 90

Obie built the hedgehogs such a splendid palace that Spotty wondered if he might need planning permission for it. The hedgehogs were delighted. The palace had 27 bedrooms, central heating, and indoor plumbing ! After Spotty promised to wake them up for Christmas, they all settled down for the Winter. 

Saturday 17 October 2015

Day 89

As soon as the hedgehogs had fed him the plans for their house Obie started work. Meep and Spotty went back indoors as the noise was deafening !

Friday 16 October 2015

Day 88

Meep and Spotty fed Obie lots and lots of chips and set him the task of making the shed into a proper workshop. They were amazed at the good job he made of it. 

Thursday 15 October 2015

Day 87

Meep was just enjoying the peace and quiet, and having a little snooze by the fire, when she was woken up by two very agitated hedgehogs waving pieces of paper at her. They wanted a hibernation house, and they wanted it NOW !

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Day 86

The Caravan park said the little black cat was a stray so Ruby couldn't abandon her. Ruby held on to her firmly while Sol did the same for Munch. They needn't have worried. 

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Day 85

Spotty had Munch all ready to go home to Sol and Ruby. The hedgehogs were sad to see him go as his "adventures" with Meep had provided them with hours of entertainment. 

Monday 12 October 2015

Day 84

Ruby woke up suddenly in the middle of the night. "Cat ? What cat ?". Munch was at Spotty's. Oh dear, it looked like they had been adopted by the cat from their holiday campsite. 

Sunday 11 October 2015

Day 83

Ruby fed the cat on automatic and led poor Sol to the bedroom where they collapsed after ten hours of driving. It was good to be home !

Friday 9 October 2015

Day 82

It was the last night of their holiday. On the beach they watched the sunset. Ruby showed Sol the nice sketch she had made while he went up the mountain, Sol only had grey photos of clouds, but they both agreed they'd had a lovely week away !

Day 81

Sol insisted on going to the top of the mountain to take photos. Ruby decided to stay at the cafe and eat cake as she watched the rickety little steam train bravely climb up into the clouds. 

Thursday 8 October 2015

Day 80

The rain was so loud on the caravan's roof that it sounded just like a bad steel band rehearsing, all night...

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Day 79

While Sol scoured the shoreline for the rare Lesser Spotted Shim Sham, Ruby ate her ice cream in the rain and wondered if perhaps next year they could go on holiday to the Bahamas. 

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Day 78

The pouring rain turned to drizzle so they went to a local castle. Sol ran around all the turrets taking photos of everything in sight while Ruby stayed below, wondering where the nearest tea shop was...

Monday 5 October 2015

Day 77

It was cold and wet outside. Sol grumbled about his new camera controls while Ruby knitted a very colourful thing. And a small and very wet black panther crept quietly in to their caravan, out of the rain. 

Sunday 4 October 2015

Day 76

Ruby was not happy. After ten hours of driving they had collapsed into their caravan last night. It was the beigest place she had ever been. Sol has kept her awake all night twitching, snoring and turning an imaginary steering wheel, and now, Squawk had woken her up two minutes after she had finally dropped off, to tell her what a great place this was. 

Friday 2 October 2015

Day 75 would seem that everyone else had decided to go on holiday at the same time. 

Day 74

In Lesser-Foxton-upon-Sea, Sol and Ruby were packing up the car ready to go on holiday. There were only a few more boxes to stuff in.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Day 73

Spotty was so happy ! Sol and Ruby would be able to go on holiday on Saturday with no worries about Munch...