Saturday 30 April 2016

Day 12

Mrs Matter wanted a webcam for her planet. What Mrs Matter wanted Mr Matter made happen. It did take a little while as he had to invent computers, wifi, the Internet, satellites, silicon chips and so on, first. He made a big bowl of silicon chips extra as he found they were quite tasty. 

Friday 29 April 2016

Day 11

Mrs Matter was amazed at how quickly the porridge evolved into porridge dripping trees which the little Amybars gathered from every day. 

Thursday 28 April 2016

Day 10

Mr Matter was getting into macro photography. In one of the little gloop puddles he found two little single celled critters. Mrs Matter called them Amy and Barry and when she fed them a tiny drip of porridge there were suddenly thousands of little amybars everywhere. 

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Day 9

With the new lampshade in place the planet was cooling. Now we come to a very delicate matter... Mrs Matter was convinced Mr Matter was having terrible odorous digestive problems. He had to invent a special camera ( Mr Matter's high speed Instamatteric, patent applied for) to prove to her it was the planet that was getting somewhat 'gassy'. 

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Day 8

Mrs Matter was busy crocheting a new fireproof lampshade as the little sun had burnt it through. She was all for using solar power but not if it meant wearing sunglasses indoors. 

Monday 25 April 2016

Day 7

Mrs Matter was in a bit of a mope, so Mr Matter brought her home a little solar system to look after. Just a small planet with a moon and a sun to spin around. Mrs Matter loved it. It was all a bit hot to handle still but the stuff coming out of the volcanoes was delicious...

Sunday 24 April 2016

Day 6

Mrs Matter had spent too long looking at a proto-planetary system through her giant magnifying glass. All that spinning had made her feel quite queasy. 

Saturday 23 April 2016

Day 5

The universe seemed to be expanding and clumping up nicely by itself, so Mr Matter spent the next few billion years teaching himself the intro to Stairway to Heaven. Mrs Matter invented ear plugs. 

Friday 22 April 2016

Day 4

Mr Matter had meant to inject the new Universe with a light sense of humour only he'd picked up the wrong sack. 

Thursday 21 April 2016

Day 3

It was all very well for Mr Matter to say it would all sort itself out in the end, Mrs Matter was fed up with all the cosmic dust, and even though she had a nice shiny new Hoover, she was only allowed to use a broom to sweep it up because nature abhors a vacuum. 

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Day 2

In the beginning there wasn't much of anything. Uncle Matter roamed around feeling quite lonely. One day though, he saw her in the distance. It was Auntie Matter, the love of his life. They were made for each other even though theirs was quite an explosive relationship!

Tuesday 19 April 2016

100 day project day 1

Doctor Horace Singlebloom, author of the illustrated Evolution and History of Spottyland and other popular titles such as Maypole weaving for Ducks, was an educated shrub. He only emerged from his studies at the height of Summer when he was fully leaved. His career was illustrious, although being quite shy, he never went to award ceremonies. His works have been required reading for all students in Spottyland for over 100 years. 

Monday 18 April 2016

The 100 day project

I'm going to take part in @elleluna 's #the100dayproject . It starts tomorrow and by way of introduction, here's Minimeep reading the book we will be looking at. The illustrated evolution and history of #spottyland  Including many colourful characters and wondrous things. Written in 1902 by Horace Singlebloom. 

Sunday 17 April 2016

A peaceful interlude...

Everyone was nice and clean now, Henry O'Hare had nearly finished hosing down the house and Spotty was talking berets to the field mice. 

Saturday 16 April 2016

On being an artist 6

While Stripey sorted out the artists, the hedgehogs were editing a rough cut of the video they had made of the paint fight. The reluctant mouse they were using made it all quite stressful. 

Friday 15 April 2016

On being an artist part 5

Meep was putting the final flourish on the mural. It was unfortunate that Spotty chose that exact moment to go outside. 

Wednesday 13 April 2016

On being an artist part 3

Stripey looked out at what was going on in the garden with a certain amount of trepidation. Meep was just a bit concerned about the fact that she hadn't found any berets small enough for the field mice, otherwise they were ready. 

Tuesday 12 April 2016

On being an artist part 2

Meep was getting miffed now. Spotty had been printing stupid Lino cuts for hours now and wasn't paying any attention to her. 

Monday 11 April 2016

On being an Artist...

Stripey was a bit miffed. Her mum Ruby had been giving Spotty painting lessons. Now Spotty made her pose for him for hours at a time. Being a Muse wasn't very amusing...

Sunday 10 April 2016

Ancestry 8

This is Big Sal, lead singer of the punk band the Gnash, she is Squirrel's maternal grandmother. The little one is Susan, his mum. 

Saturday 9 April 2016

Ancestry 7

Anna (left, Squirrel's grandmother) and Sophia came to Spottyland on a cultural exchange to sing their wild Corsican squirrel songs in parish halls all over the country. Until they met the Pizza boys that is ...

Friday 8 April 2016

Ancestry 6

Rolando Scoiattolo left everything in the sixties. He tuned in ( his radio) turned on (his motorbike) and dropped out ( well, to be precise dropped off his motorbike quite a few times) on a long 30 year road trip across Cornwall. He is Squirrel's dad. 

Thursday 7 April 2016

Ancestry 5

After a few years driving buses Arturo saved up enough to start a pizza business and to get his brother Alberto to make them. Alberto had been a juggler and made pizzas with grace and ease. He was Squirrel's grandfather. 

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Ancestry 4

This is Arturo Scoiattolo, who for two long years held up the largest ever squirrel pyramid, and then ran off to Spottyland where he became a bus driver. 

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Ancestry 3

Here is Great Great Uncle Federico, il Bruto, a gentle giant, who was able to juggle three, and sometimes five young squirrels without ruffling a single ringlet. 

Monday 4 April 2016

Ancestry 2

And here are two of Esmerelda's children. Giorgio and Maria ( la piccolina), otherwise known as the Flying Sciattolinis. 

Sunday 3 April 2016


Squirrel was looking into his ancestry. This is Esmerelda Scoiattola, the first to invent the flying harness, mainly because it's not very easy climbing trees in a crinoline. 

Friday 1 April 2016

Acorn watch part 4

Squirrel was so excited ! The acorn had grown into a little seedling ! He made sure everyone came to admire it.