Thursday 31 December 2015

Goodbye 2015

And what a great year it's been! Spotty fox and all his friends were born this year and now I can't imagine life without him ! Thanks to every one who likes my drawings, you really do help to keep me going !

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Post Christmas Yoga

Meep found she was a natural at Yoga. Spotty not so much, he was only doing it because Stripey asked him to try it. 

Monday 28 December 2015

Post Christmas exercise

Meep decided she was in desperate need of exercise. She wasn't doing all that well so far as even Alan the snail was going faster than she could run. 

Sunday 27 December 2015

Post Christmas sandwiches

Meep was feeling a lot better so she made nut roast, lettuce, jam and sprout sandwiches for everyone. Spotty wasn't quite feeling up to any more food yet. 

Saturday 26 December 2015

Thursday 24 December 2015

Happy Christmas !!!!

Click on the image to see it larger ! Have a wonderful day !

A Christmas tree miracle

It snowed all day on Christmas Eve. Late in the afternoon, just as it was getting dark, Cheep asked all the others to gather in the garden and close their eyes. When they were allowed to open them the little Tree had been made magnificent by the snow and was covered in all of Cheep's friends all singing their hearts out. It was completely wonderful. 

Tuesday 22 December 2015

A quiet day

It was a busy day in the Spotty household. Meep nipped in from the kitchen where she was busy making mince pies. Stripey was busy knitting Christmas stockings for all the animals, including the hedgehogs and the owlets. Little Bun and the Squirrel were "helping", and Spotty was in the garden encouraging his Christmas tree by singing carols to it. 

Monday 21 December 2015

Christmas presents part 3

Stripey was very pleased with all the Christmas shopping they had done. Spotty felt like a frazzled pack horse. 

Sunday 20 December 2015

The nut thief part 3

Spotty came to an arrangement with the Squirrel. He could keep a stash in his flat as long as he could live in there as well, and he could replenish his nut heap any time he wanted as there would always be nuts in the house. 

Saturday 19 December 2015

Nut thief part 2

Spotty solved two mysteries in one today. Firstly, why the squirrel always slept on the sofa and secondly where all his nuts had gone. 

Friday 18 December 2015

Thursday 17 December 2015

Christmas presents part 2

It was curious to note that Little Bun suddenly developed an urge to look at Meep's collection of interesting rocks when she heard frantic rustling coming from her room. 

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Christmas presents part 1

Spotty was all of a dither. He was trying to think of a Christmas prezzie for Stripey. She probably wouldn't like a hammer drill or a nice set of ratchet screwdrivers. What did you buy girls ? 

Tuesday 15 December 2015

The Christmas tree part 4

Spotty was sent out to bury...erm, plant the twig he had bought. Inside in the warm Stripey and Meep were admiring their handiwork, a beautiful tree poster covered in real ornaments. 

Monday 14 December 2015

The Christmas tree part 3

Stripey soon got Meep and little Bun making garlands and painting and glittering a big piece of paper on the table. They even put a Santa hat on Bertie. The only one who wasn't enjoying himself was the squirrel. He was in the midst of a dilemma. Should he paint the acorns they had given him to decorate or go and hide them somewhere ?

Sunday 13 December 2015

Saturday 12 December 2015

The Christmas tree part 1

Meep was very disappointed with the tree Spotty had bought. Spotty said no one else would buy it and it deserved a chance. Meep thought she might as well have picked up a few twigs from the garden. 

Friday 11 December 2015

A new home

There were two new little doors in the back wall of the pantry. Obie had done a good job. The wallpaper almost matched. Little Bun and the Squirrel couldn't wait to see their new flats. 

Thursday 10 December 2015

Building Works

Spotty stuffed an extra large packet of chips into Obie the robot, who spent the rest of the day building an extension with two floors for Little Bun and Squirrel. They were beyond themselves with excitement !

Wednesday 9 December 2015

A lovely dinner

Meep cooked a really lovely dinner. There was a nut roast with roast potatoes and chestnuts and lots of carrots and a few sprouts and gravy. There was apple pie and custard for pudding. Even Bertie was smiling, for once, although no one really knew what he was doing there. 

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Bertie is unsatisfied

Spotty explained to Meep very gently that Meep should have asked him about the sheets and that it was wrong to exploit her friends. Meep was really very sorry. She said little Bunny and the squirrel were squatting under the shed, they had no home and it was cold and didn't have much to eat. Spotty immediately said to bring them in ! There was plenty of room in his house ! Meep should cook them all a nice hot meal, by herself this time. 

Bertie was not happy, Spotty was far too soft. 

Monday 7 December 2015

Bertie is back

Bertie watched Meep paying off her exhausted helpers in out of date cat treats and old bird nuts. Something would have to be done about it. Meep was in serious trouble now. 

Sunday 6 December 2015

Linen wars part 3

Spotty was very pleased to see how many sleeping bags Meep had made. It was remarkable in such a short space of time, quite remarkable. 

Saturday 5 December 2015

Linen wars part 2

Spotty showed Meep what Obie had made for him. Then he told her she would have to make sleeping bags for homeless hedgehogs out of the remains of his bedsheets. 

Thursday 3 December 2015

The choir performance

Of course the choir performance was really good. The audience loved it, Samantha was delighted and Meep was OK as long as she held little Bunny's paw all the way through. Spotty was a bit worried about his bed linen though, as several animals appeared to be wearing costumes made out of his best sheets. 

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Last choir rehearsal

Last rehearsal before the concert and poor Samantha was in despair. They were all singing with great gusto but quite what they were singing was difficult to discern. The only ones paying any attention to her were Alan the snail and Spit (the spider). The concert would be tomorrow.