Saturday 24 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 22

A few long hours later Sol and Ruby got the call to say they were now Granny and Granpa ! Everyone went to the hospital. Spotty was wondering where he had put the baby manual, he had been meaning to read it for months. Stripey felt like she needed to sleep for a week. Ruby smiled, two polytunnels for the allotment and a lovely little granddaughter. It was the best Christmas ever !

Friday 23 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 21

Oh no, Stripey was about to have her baby! Spotty went into a complete flap, he managed to call Ruby to say they might be a bit late, bundled Stripey's ready bag into the car and nearly drove off to the hospital without her.

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 20

There was a hive of activity in the house. Ruby was recovering nicely and baking in the kitchen with Nerys. There was just a slight worry, where were Spotty and Stripey ? They were due to come this afternoon, but she hadn't heard anything from them.

Thursday 22 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 19

The following morning, Sol had just brought Obie a nice steaming cup of hot oil when the Limpopo postman arrived carrying a big long parcel. It was remarkably similar in size and shape to the one Ruby had had delivered the other day...

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 18

The house was getting quite full now. Minimeep, Little Bun and the Squirrel got there that evening. The staring contest continued, even though the hedgehogs had given up long ago, Minimeep was telling Nerys all about school. The squirrel had installed his climbing gear and found the nuts, so all was just about all right with the world.

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 17

Meep and Munch were still staring at each other when Obie arrived carrying Spit, Bertie, the fieldmice and a load of old books. Bertie was feeling a bit sick as the mice had made him chew his way through the middle of the books, and now they were enacting a very cunning plan to replace the lost Christmas branch. Obie had retreated to Sol's shed with a nice packet of frozen oven chips.

Sunday 18 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 16

The hedgehogs were trying to get Meep and Munch to kiss and make up under the mistletoe. At least that's what they said they were turned into a staring contest. Harriet took loads of photos.

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 15

Munch was surprised and not very pleased to see Meep and the four hedgehogs when he opened the door. He cheered up a bit when he saw the size of Meep's Santa sack...

Saturday 17 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 14

Munch and Nerys were put on cleaning duty. They were not exactly naturals at it, but they did their best as they were sorry to see Ruby so upset.

Friday 16 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 13

Sol was at his wits end, so he called Stripey, perhaps she could help to console her mother. In the end it was decided that she would send Meep and the Hedgehogs over early, to help get things organised. The hedgehogs were awake anyway as they were far too excited about Christmas to keep hibernating.

Thursday 15 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 12

Oh dear, when Sol did get up he found Ruby terribly upset about the broken tree. He made her a nice cup of tea, and promised to clean everything up so they could start again. The cats hid under the chair, they were in trouble now...

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 11

Ruby came downstairs early to see what her tree looked like in daylight...this is what she found. There was a shriek and the rapid pounding of cat paws running out into the garden. Sol heard all this, but he was nice and cosy in bed and just about to go back to sleep...

Soland Ruby at Christmas 10

The power went out ! Sol had all the tree lights charged on solar panels so the tree still shone out, and with the street lights not working they could see sparkling stars in the sky. It was very magical. They went to bed quite happy that night. 

Sunday 11 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 9

Sol had found a lovely dead branch to use as a tree. The old Christmas decorations came down from the loft, and all was well with the world, until....

Saturday 10 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 8

Sol had a sudden brainwave! A Polytunnel ! Ruby would love that on the allotment. She could grow all sorts of nice things in there. Yup! Thats what he'd get her ! He was already thinking of all the nice dinners they could have from it, yum !

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 7

Sol went back to his shed with a restorative cup of tea and some biscuits after his little yoga adventure. Oh no ! The Limpopo courier was coming up the garden with a huge parcel. Sol ducked when he realised he was wearing a pair of Ruby's pyjamas. 

Friday 9 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 6

Sitting in his shed fretting about Christmas presents wasn't doing Sol any good, so he tried doing a headstand to inspire himself. It certainly gave him something to think about, he got a raging headache and felt very queasy for a while. Munch meanwhile was very happy, he was a natural at yoga.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Sol and Ruby's Christmas 5

Sol was gazing wistfully at the last few leaves being blown off the trees. He contemplated the fiddle that was awaiting his tender ministrations, and felt slightly queasy. What on earth was he going to do about Christmas presents this year ?

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Sol and Ruby's Christmas 4

Ruby had been knitting solidly day and night now for three days and had nearly finished when she ran out of wool. It was a good job Sol noticed and brought in their neighbour Lawrence Lamb. Lawrence was slightly reluctant, as you might imagine.  She'd left him with almost no wool last year, and he had had to wear one of her jumpers all winter, but there was only half a scarf to finish so it wasn't too bad. 

Monday 5 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 3

Sol was relieved to see that Ruby was knitting. That would keep her busy for a few days. Everyone would be getting socks, a jumper, a scarf and a hat. (She was a fast, if not always accurate champion speed knitter ) Sol went out to his shed to ponder the meaning of Life and other important questions, like how many rows of beans to plant next year.

Sunday 4 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 2

When Sol saw Ruby come in from the garden all in a flap, he knew he was in trouble. He tried to hide behind his newspaper but when he heard the word Christmas he started to worry. It would all be over in a few weeks he thought to himself, and sighed. 

Sol and Ruby at Christmas

It was a lovely breezy day in Lesser Foxton upon the Sea. Ruby was out hanging the washing and happily humming a little tune to herself when she stopped in her tracks. Her heart skipped a beat, she dropped all her pegs and she started feeling quite panicky. It was December, again. That meant Christmas....aaarrrggghhh!