Friday 30 September 2016

Not so secret story 4

Here's lady Xinthia Audrey Carmichael Mc.Spot, Spotty's mum. She's wearing a natty little twin set from the supermarket, her best wellies from the pound shop and a hat she made out of a paper plate and some artificial flowers. She's not one for spending her money on anything other than her dogs and horses...

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Not so secret story 3

The Honourable Hamish MacSpot, Laird of Loch Lavan, Spotty's dad, has made a real effort to smarten up for the occasion. He's wearing his best fly fishing hat and fatigue trousers, he's brushed most of his breakfast off his jacket and he's wearing a pink shirt with matching tie.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Monday 26 September 2016

Not so secret story 1

Stripey's dad, Sol, is very pleased to still be able to fit into his festival clothes from the 1970s. Perfect for this kind of occasion...

Secret Story 11

Come to think of it, putting Clipboard's cousin Reginald in charge of the cake wasn't such a good idea. He's already quality controlled several of the icing flowers, fortunately round the back...

Sunday 25 September 2016

Secret story 10

The Mice had found Meep's secret stash of old fairground bunting to make their outfits, and as you can see they are very proud of them. Stripey's great Aunt knitted the jumpers for the boys, on sewing pins, very tricky...

Friday 23 September 2016

Secret story 9

Spit is wearing her best tutu and trying very hard not to crumb bomb on the guests. Meanwhile Obie has been made a suit by Meep and is looking chic, even if he is wearing his buttonhole flower on his head. 

Secret story 8

Horace and Harrisson decided against clothes and opted for bagpipes instead. They didn't know how to play them but blew enthusiastically into them and squeezed the bags...fortunately hedgehog pipes are very small, really the only ones who could properly appreciate them were the mice, and they all had noise cancelling earphones.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Secret Story 7

You wouldn't believe how hard it is to dress a hedgehog. Meep and little Bun spent hours trying to attach half dresses to their fronts. Plus they tend to wriggle and giggle and curl up in the middle of it all...

Tuesday 20 September 2016

Secret Story 6

All in all, apart from the fact she couldn't find shoes in her size, Maureen O'Hare is quite pleased with her outfit. Henry however, is not. He's desperately hoping none of his school friends can see him in his girly green velvet suit.

Secret story 5

Always a little anxious on the ground and in civvies, squirrel is clutching his lucky acorn and worrying about how much weight he's put on. His best waistcoat is a little tight.

Monday 19 September 2016

Secret Story 4

Meep scrubs up quite nicely don't you think? She made that fascinator herself, chasing Mrs Cluck around for hours until she gave her a feather. Don't worry! Mrs Cluck was fine, it was moulting season...

Friday 16 September 2016

Secret Story 2

Little Bun has made herself look like confectionary. She's half way between a French Fancy and a Bon Bon....

Monday 12 September 2016

Little Bun's makeovers 12

It turns out that this little Shrew has a fine tenor singing voice so it was obvious, he had to join a Barber Shop quartet. 

Sunday 11 September 2016

Little Bun's makeovers 11

I'm not even going to speculate on the gender of this little Shrew from Africa. It would seem that Little Bun decides. 

Saturday 10 September 2016

Little Bun's makeovers 10

Oh! She is fit for a tea party with the Queen. Little Bun has outdone herself in the posh frock department. I think her subject is pleased, but perhaps not so much with the spine curling...

Friday 9 September 2016

Little Bun's makeovers 9

This little one comes from Madagascar, she is an almost hedgehog with spines along her back which stick out when she curls up. If anyone was a candidate for a punk treatment she is, but we will have to wait and see what Little Bun makes of her. 

Thursday 8 September 2016

Little Bun's Makeovers 8

Oh dear, Little Bun really has lost it now. She's turned Eddie into Edwina, and told her she's not allowed to have a gap year. So now Edwina is studying computer sciences at Uni, as if it isn't bad enough to have to wear the Great Aunts' knitting. It's all Geek to me. 

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Little Bun's makeovers 7

This is Eddie. He's come from Southern Africa, he's on a gap year, hitching round Spottyland. Unfortunately he met little Bun who couldn't wait to get her makeover paws on him.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Little Bun's makeovers 6

Little Bun didn't know quite what to do with the Numbat until she found Spotty's old bass guitar and the numbat started playing it. She was fantastic. After that it was easy...and here she is !

Little Bun's makeovers 5

The numbat, another Australian émmigré, was extremely good natured, if a little nervous. She had seen what Little Bun had done to her friends...

Sunday 4 September 2016

Little Bun's makeovers 4

Hmm, I think Little Bun must have raided her stash of charity shop curtains for this outfit. Marvin seems quite happy with it anyway, perhaps he'll join the circus.

Little Bun's makeovers 3

The little Mulgara couldn't believe how much water there was in Spottyland. He thought he'd come to paradise from the central Australian desert. I wonder what Little Bun will make of him ?

Friday 2 September 2016

Little Bun's makeovers 2

And this is how she looks now...she is wearing a delightfully coordinated spotty outfit hand sewn by Little Bun. The flower comes from Spotty's garden and the bow is one of Meep's but she doesn't know yet. What Rat Opossum wouldn't want to look like this ?

Thursday 1 September 2016

Little Bun's Makeovers 1

This little creature has come to Spottyland from Indonesia. She was a bit bewildered at first, and often felt quite homesick. She didn't like being called Ratty either. Somehow she managed to find Spotty's house, where Little Bun gave her a makeover. This is the before image...