Tuesday 30 August 2016

Underwater Adventures 13

When she wasn't on land leading her choirs, Samantha conducted her world renowned ensemble, the Prawn Chorus.

Monday 29 August 2016

Underwater Adventures 12

Little Jimmy Plaice really didn't want to go to Fish School. He hated the uniform and it was a long way to swim with a heavy satchel...

Underwater Adventures 11

Simon Seasquirt was a fine fellow. He was full of fun and jokes and kept all the other sea squirts laughing all day, until he fell asleep that is. Then he snored so loudly that even Betty Blue Whale who lived 100 miles away could hear him.

Saturday 27 August 2016

Underwater Adventures 10

Pablo Octasso was very pleased with his self portrait. So pleased in fact that he made himself blush. 

Underwater Adventures 9

The sea horses were a little unsure about giving the mice a lift, but Clipboard assured them they were in safe hands and in no way would they use all the saddles and harnesses they had brought with them...

Thursday 25 August 2016

Underwater Adventures 8

Obie was taking no risks with rust. He covered himself in chip fat from head to toe and slid into the biggest diving suit he could find. Robin Rainbow panicked. He'd just watched The Thing from Outer Space the night before. It was an easy mistake to make when he saw Obie, that long blue tentacle from the top of its head sent shivers down his spine...

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Underwater Adventures 7

The little Spanish Goldeneye ( Hervé) could see that the O'Hares were not exactly naturals at scuba diving. For a start they had to tie their ears in a knot to keep them out of the way. Their only advantage was their feet, who needs flippers with feet that size ?

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Underwater Adventures 6

Ferdinand Flatfish was thinking of calling all his friends to come and watch Harriet and Hermione attempting to learn some synchronised swimming. 

Monday 22 August 2016

Underwater Adventures 5

Crabby Cantata was furious because Harrisson and Horace had taken one of his precious bottle tops from his collection and mistaken it for a gold doubloon...

Sunday 21 August 2016

Underwater Adventures 4

Little Bun and Squirrel were bravely manning the pumps completely oblivious of the fact that the Ra Ra Porpoises were rehearsing their routine under the boat. 

Underwater Adventures 3

Meep was beginning to wonder how Fins had persuaded her to pose as a mermaid for him. Minimeep wasn't going to hang around in case it happened to her as well...

Saturday 20 August 2016

Underwater Adventures 2

Stripey should never have worn that particular wetsuit...the little Goofy-toofed Tiger Shark was in luuuurve!

Thursday 18 August 2016

Underwater adventures 1

Spotty was a little surprised to find that Eric ( Fins) Green was taking underwater shots of him when he went snorkelling. 

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Flamenco Meeces

The mice were really enjoying the dancing, even Clipboard, whose dress was made of two cupcake cases.

Flamenco Hares

Henry was a little worried when his mum Maureen spun around so fast that her ears got twisted up together. Although she didn't seem to notice...

Sunday 14 August 2016

Flamenco robot

Obie does look rather spectacular in the frock Little Bun made him, but I don't think it was quite what Spotty meant when he told him to dress up... 

Saturday 13 August 2016

Hedgehogs flamenco...

Someone should have told Harrisson that the tea chest in a tea chest bass shouldn't really be made of an old cardboard box. 

Friday 12 August 2016

Flamenco Spider

Spit was a bit reluctant to participate in the dancing at first, but once she was given a cracker to eat she found it all much more tolerable!

Thursday 11 August 2016

Flamenco Meep

It's amazing what a pair of high heels does for one's figure. Meep is in the zone. Minimeep has been trying to tell her she's been dancing with a hedgehog attached to her skirt for at least half an hour...

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Flamenco foxes

Pablo and Juan (Fred and George) Stripey's cousins, joining in. Bertie Bookworm can't stand the noise, even with earplugs!

Saturday 6 August 2016

Obie and Spit

Here are Obie and Spit. Obie was created by Meep, he can be remote controlled but he doesn't like it. He runs on chips, chunky ones are the best, crinkle are OK, and French fries will do if there's nothing else. He lives in the shed with Spit, she likes biscuits. 

Friday 5 August 2016

The O'Hares

Maureen and her son Henry O'Hare are both really into Irish Dance. It's not easy for them, but they keep at it. 

Thursday 4 August 2016

The hedgehogs

The hedgehogs who live in the hedgehog palace in Spotty's garden. Top left clockwise: Harriet, Hermione, Horace, Harrisson. Handy tip: hedgehogs can be stacked up quite nicely as long as you touch prickle to prickle, a bit like Velcro, but you need to take the photo very quickly as the ones at the bottom don't like it much. 

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Little Bun and Squirrel

Little Bun and Squirrel. Squirrel was very nervous about the photoshoot because he had to take off his climbing gear, that's why he's clutching his lucky acorn and Little Bun. 

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Meep and Minimeep

Meep and Minimeep. Meep is wearing a frock for this photo shoot, it's the one she made from Spotty's favourite bedsheets. 

Monday 1 August 2016

Spotty and Stripey portraits

Today Stripey is wearing a new dress that she ordered from Limpopo Prime and on her left paw is Chirp, Cheep's second cousin twice removed on her mother's side. 
