Saturday 24 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 22

A few long hours later Sol and Ruby got the call to say they were now Granny and Granpa ! Everyone went to the hospital. Spotty was wondering where he had put the baby manual, he had been meaning to read it for months. Stripey felt like she needed to sleep for a week. Ruby smiled, two polytunnels for the allotment and a lovely little granddaughter. It was the best Christmas ever !

Friday 23 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 21

Oh no, Stripey was about to have her baby! Spotty went into a complete flap, he managed to call Ruby to say they might be a bit late, bundled Stripey's ready bag into the car and nearly drove off to the hospital without her.

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 20

There was a hive of activity in the house. Ruby was recovering nicely and baking in the kitchen with Nerys. There was just a slight worry, where were Spotty and Stripey ? They were due to come this afternoon, but she hadn't heard anything from them.

Thursday 22 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 19

The following morning, Sol had just brought Obie a nice steaming cup of hot oil when the Limpopo postman arrived carrying a big long parcel. It was remarkably similar in size and shape to the one Ruby had had delivered the other day...

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 18

The house was getting quite full now. Minimeep, Little Bun and the Squirrel got there that evening. The staring contest continued, even though the hedgehogs had given up long ago, Minimeep was telling Nerys all about school. The squirrel had installed his climbing gear and found the nuts, so all was just about all right with the world.

Sol and Ruby at Christmas 17

Meep and Munch were still staring at each other when Obie arrived carrying Spit, Bertie, the fieldmice and a load of old books. Bertie was feeling a bit sick as the mice had made him chew his way through the middle of the books, and now they were enacting a very cunning plan to replace the lost Christmas branch. Obie had retreated to Sol's shed with a nice packet of frozen oven chips.